The explicit goal of the CMT4B3 Research Foundation is to expedite development of a treatment or cure for CMT4B3/SBF1/MTMR5. Your proposed project MUST have application to this disease, or it will not be considered. Research projects should be aimed at developing a therapy for CMT4B3. To this aim, projects aimed at developing CMT4B3 models, validating therapeutic approaches, and at understanding the cell specificity of the MTMR5 protein function will be prioritized. Hunter’s CMT4B3 Research Foundation will grant awards to principal investigators, physician residents, hospitals, universities and clinicians who are interested in studying CMT4B3. Our grants are intended to help researchers explore novel ideas and answer questions related to the clinical aspects, therapies and/or genetic causes of CMT4B3. Research proposals will be carefully vetted by the Scientific Advisory Board. The Board evaluates each proposal based on the excellence of the investigator, the work plan and the environment, as well as the project’s ability to be translated into treatments for people with CMT4B3.  

Because we feel a sense of urgency to deliver important scientific breakthroughs, proposals will be quickly vetted while assuring a comprehensive and optimal approach designed with a single goal in mind: to expedite the development of a treatment for CMT4B3


applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis

The project must have direct relevance to CMT4B3 - either to extend our understanding of the disease or a unique approach to a treatment for the disease.

The project should not have been previously performed elsewhere and sufficient due diligence should have been done to find out if the same project is currently being done in another lab. We will confirm this independently.

The proposal should be approximately 6-10 pages (excluding references) and must contain the following mandatory sections:

  1. Cover Page: Proposal Application (please use template provided)

  2. Relevant background

  3. The specific aims

  4. The experimental methodology and plan that will be employed. Please define statistical analyses and justify sample numbers accordingly

  5. Preliminary data supporting the specific aims and methodology

  6. References

  7. Gantt Chart for completion of Experimental Plan (see example)

  8. Other Supports (Current and Pending: please specify overlapping if any)

  9. Include a detailed budget covering personnel, materials, and all other direct costs for the proposed project, followed by justification for each expense (please use template provided)

As a private foundation focused on a rare disease that is funded by patients, their families and donations, we try to maximize the impact our funding has in the field. Therefore, it is the policy of the CMT4B3 Research Foundation, as written in our bylaws, not to cover indirect costs and we request all institutions waive indirect costs for CMT4B3 Research Foundation funded projects. 

Proposals without a detailed budget and justification will not be considered.

Application should be sent in pdf format (less than 15 Mb including figures) to: 

Iris Schultz,